Strategy Consulting

We focus on and assist with the long-term vision of your company. Our goal is to help you to see the bigger picture, and to identify ways in which to increase the company's overall profitability and competitiveness. We will help you form strategies to reach long-term goals and oversee the implementation of these, ensuring they are cost effective and bring in results (profit).

Areas Include;

  • Strategy Formulation and Reviews
  • Change Management

Operations Consulting

We will look at your systems that you use to reach your goals and work to enhance their efficiency. We will assess all levels of operations including production, sales, distribution and customer service. Our focus will be how processes can be refined in terms of costs, time, staff involved and steps required, to best meet targets..

Areas Include;

  • Organizational Reviews
  • Policy Formulation and Reviews

Human Resources Consulting

We will strive to handle matters concerning a firm’s employees. We work with clients in the recruitment and transition phases to place the best people in the correct roles. ABSL will research and implement well-being systems, attend to communication issues and handle remuneration and change management. We have capacity to consult on whether two companies could successfully merge without a clash of ethos.

Areas Include;

  • Human Capital Resourcing
  • Job Evaluation
  • Human Resource Audits
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Personality Profiling
  • Employee Resourcing
  • Attitude Surveys and Training