Our history...

Avaya Business Simulations Was founded and established in 2006 in the Nairobi Kenya, to offer expertise in the fields of Management/Supervisory Training and Human Resource Consultancy to Corporate and Government sectors. Avaya Business Simulations invested across its product and service portfolio to leverage from the legacy and experience of its Management Consultants. Avaya BS draws its operations from principles of western and eastern philosophy throughout the design, development and execution of professional training curriculums and Management and Human Resource consultancy. The execution of meticulously engineered experiences are motivated by the objective of influencing perceptions in key topics through deliberate creases of knowledge, that reinforce structure for that realm of knowledge within each individual. Avaya BS has proven that it can leverage from the knowledge gap prevalent across market verticals, through the provision of impeccable services and support. Our allegiance with the professional domain has proven successful, driven by a team of dedicated skill sets and competencies that suit the organic growth and development across the region. Avaya BS prides itself on thorough diagnostic analysis with clients in the pre-sales phase, with prioritisation given to innovation. The capacity to execute training briefs to exceptional benchmarks encourages clients to compare Avaya BS service deliverables against other providers in the same space. At the foundation of all behavioural competency solutions are three core deliverables Assess, Evaluate and Validate. The contexts of our courses design are aligned strictly with organisational objectives and values, anchored firmly by these core deliverables. The Avaya BS methodology utilises professional experience, creative skill and ingenuity to elevate and enhance individual understanding of course objectives in the training environment. Critical to the success of any engagement is the design and delivery of sustainable strategies that commit to Knowledge, Adoption and Retention  


Our mission is to be eastern Africa’s preferred provider of management and supervisory training and capability solutions


To be the most innovative and solution provider in the training and development services

Core Values

  • Transparent communications
  • Accountability and respect
  • Innovative customer focus
  • Learning culture through integrated diversity
  • Shared vision through ethics and teamwork

Why do business with us

For over 15 years, Avaya Business Simulations has been helping companies across Kenya and the Eastern African region develop their leadership, supervisory, management and other capabilities in order to achieve their individual and organizational goals. With our cutting-edge training and consultancy services, we have been able to equip professionals with the skills necessary to create high-performing teams, efficient operations, and successful outcomes.

Our innovative real-world simulations of business practices, coupled with interactive tools, on-ground practice, has a focus on measurable results to give our clients the tools and confidence to achieve their goals. Our customized courses have helped transform the way that our clients approach their business and remain at the cutting edge of their industries. With a passionate team of trainers and consultants from diverse backgrounds, we strive to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, helping you make the most of every opportunity. Join us and let us help you unlock your potential of your workforce and maximize their results. Join us to take your business to the next level!

Cooperation is a basic necessity for human life – The Ant & Flower

Flowers are part of the world's most abundant and diverse ecosystem - the forest. Each species of forest plants contributes to the complex beauty of this environment. Many forest plants have unique characteristics that help them survive in this environment. Recently I captured an ant playing its rightful role of help a flower grow and stay healthy. In return, the flower is obliged to help the ant find food and protect its colony from predators. The same Cooperation occurs between individuals and organizations too - albeit in a different way than between social groups. Work crews must agree on how they will tackle a project before they can start work. They must also agree on what tasks they will do first, last, and together during the process. This ensures that all members are happy with the outcome and increases the likelihood of successful projects. Failure to cooperate kills creativity which eliminates any possibility of success. Instead, cooperation allows people to create ideas which can revolutionize an industry or field of study.