Our Philosophy
At our core, we focus on behavioural competency development within the professional sphere, and provides our clientele with solutions that Assess, Evaluate and Validate those that it chooses to up-skill and align with organisational objectives. We utilise our management consultancy and training talent pool to bring out the inherent attributes of the competencies for up-skilling in organisations. At Avaya BS, training is more than just an instructor led experience. It is the direct application of human creative skill, ingenuity and imagination facilitating the transformation of theory into practice through experiential learning. Avaya BS approaches each engagement with its clientele akin to an artist. When starting with the raw malleable material, our highly experienced training consultants influence the sum and substance of the material through carefully orchestrated manoeuvres; bringing to the fore its true nature and ability, restructured to reveal that which was concealed before. questions for which clients deserve - and demand - great answers.