For over 15 years, Avaya Business Simulations has been helping companies across Kenya and the Eastern African region develop their leadership, supervisory, management and other capabilities in order to achieve their individual and organizational goals. With our cutting-edge training and consultancy services, we have been able to equip professionals with the skills necessary to create high-performing teams, efficient operations, and successful outcomes.

    Our innovative real-world simulations of business practices, coupled with interactive tools, on-ground practice, has a focus on measurable results to give our clients the tools and confidence to achieve their goals. Our customized courses have helped transform the way that our clients approach their business and remain at the cutting edge of their industries. With a passionate team of trainers and consultants from diverse backgrounds, we strive to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, helping you make the most of every opportunity. Join us and let us help you unlock your potential of your workforce and maximize their results. Join us to take your business to the next level!